Open-Hearted Presence: Buddhafield North Meditation Retreat
Exploring the integral open-hearted nature of presence
Dates: Friday 30th May – Friday 6th June 2025
Led by: Sraddhatara, Silabodhi and Tejapushpa
£315/240 waged/unwaged
A week of meditation and living a simple life outdoors and in nature. We combine both ‘knowing’ and ‘paying attention’ through form and formless meditation, with a strong emphasis on the body. This is a natural, non-contrived approach to keeping on relaxing and opening up to our natural process, or true nature. Trusting in the process and getting out of the way to let it flow freely and happily.
By investigating deeply the ways we cause our suffering through grasping after permanence, satisfaction and substantiality, may we emerge into the three liberations of emptiness, signlessness, and aimlessness.
To support the sense of a retreat community we will build we expect all retreatants to arrive on the Friday afternoon or early evening and leave after lunch on the final day. If you have exceptional circumstances which mean you may not be able to do this, please contact the team before you book so we can discuss how this will impact on the retreat community and work out whether we are able to accommodate this.
This retreat is open to all adults who have been meditating for at least a year and are familiar with Triratna Buddhist community practices.
Meditation Retreat
Dates: Friday 30th May – Friday 6th June 2025
Led by: Sraddhatara, Silabodhi and Tejapushpa
(To order a combination of waged/unwaged, simply add them to the basket separately: once for all waged retreatants and once for all unwaged retreatants.)
If the price below is more than you can pay, please see our Bursary Fund page for more information.
Or, if you feel you are able to pay more than we are asking, and would like to consider paying a bit more to help those less fortunate, please see the Bursary Fund page for ways in which you can donate.
If you prefer not to use PayPal and would like to pay some other way, please contact us directly.