Dakini – Energy of Transformation: Buddhafield North Women’s Weekend
Dates: Friday 6th – Sunday 8th June 2025
Led by: Taramaitri, Lilamati and Nischalasri
£96/72 waged/unwaged
The dakini dances naked and free in the clear blue sky. Come and join us for a weekend exploring her qualities of unbounded freedom, wisdom, energy and friendship, while camping outdoors together in a beautiful location in the West Yorkshire countryside.
There will be meditation, ritual, small group discussions, creative activities, music and fire!
On this retreat we will be living and working together outdoors, which requires a fair amount of physical exertion of various levels, both during and at the end of the retreat, as we dissolve our retreat site back into empty space. If you have limitations on your physical energy or abilities you are very welcome to join us, but please let us know this when you book so we can plan around it.
The retreat will begin with dinner at 6pm followed by an opening ritual at 7.30pm on Friday, and end with a closing ritual at 3pm on Sunday. To support the sense of a retreat community we will build over the weekend, we expect all retreatants to attend both these rituals and to remain on or around the site between these times. If you have exceptional circumstances which mean you may not be able to do this, please contact the team before you book so we can discuss how this will impact on the retreat community and work out whether we are able to accommodate this.
This retreat is open to all adults who have been meditating for at least a year and are familiar with the Triratna Buddhist Community.
Women’s Weekend
Dates: Friday 6th – Sunday 8th June 2025
Led by: Taramaitri, Lilamati and Nischalasri
(To order a combination of waged/unwaged, simply add them to the basket separately: once for all waged retreatants and once for all unwaged retreatants.)
If the price below is more than you can pay, please see our Bursary Fund page for more information.
Or, if you feel you are able to pay more than we are asking, and would like to consider paying a bit more to help those less fortunate, please see the Bursary Fund page for ways in which you can donate.
If you prefer not to use PayPal and would like to pay some other way, please contact us directly.